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praise for

Boundaries for your Soul

by dr. alison cook

and Kimberly Miller, MTh, LMFT

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"Testimonial heading"
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"Testimonial heading"
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"Is it possible for you to love your inner enemies in the same way that Jesus extolled you to love your outer ones? I am thrilled with the way [Cook and Miller] have translated my work for a Christian audience."

Richard C. Schwartz, PhD

Developer of the Internal Family Systems Model of Therapy and Author of No Bad Parts

"A phenomenal book—one I've set aside to slowly read again and again until it's part of who I am."

Ann Voskamp

New York Times Bestselling Author of The Broken Way and 1000 Gifts

“A very helpful, engaging, and practical book.”

Dr. John Townsend

New York Times bestselling author of Boundaries and Founder of the Townsend Institute