
How to Tame Your Inner Critic, Why All Parts are Welcome, and How to Resolve Conflict in Your Relationships

Episode Notes

Today, I am joined by my friend and co-author of Boundaries for Your Soul, Kimberly Miller, to discuss the almighty inner critic, how to get space from it, and how to bring this work into your relationships.

Kim describes how she first encountered Internal Family Systems (IFS) and how combining it with Christian faith and practice changed her life.

Here's what we cover:

1. How Kim finally healed the ache in her heart

2. The most ubiquitous part of the soul

3. Why self-acceptance is better than self-condemnation

4. How to differentiate from painful emotions

5. A real-time exercise for quieting your inner critic

6. How this work translates into marriage

Connect with Kimberly Miller at kimberlyjunemiller.com or on Insight Timer

Be sure to pick up your 3 free Boundaries for Your Soul resources here.

Thanks to our sponsors:

Organifi-Go to www.organifi.com/bestofyou and use code BESTOFYOU for 20% off your order today.

Music by Andy Luiten

Sound editing by Kelly Kramarik

While Dr. Cook is a counselor, the content of this podcast and any of the products provided by Dr. Cook are not specific counseling advice nor are they a substitute for individual counseling. The content and products provided on this podcast are for informational purposes only.




Quote: "The wildness is gentled out of a personality at war with itself." Disciplines of the Spirit by Howard ThurmanOther Episodes in this Series:

  • Episode 39 Boundaries for Your Soul-How to Navigate Your Overwhelming Thoughts & Feelings
  • Episode 40 5 Steps to Healing Painful Emotions & Why Parts of Us Get Stuck in the Past
  • Episode 41 Boundaries With Fear And Anxiety-How to Calm the Chaos Within and the Joy of Internal Boundaries
  • Episode 42 How to Honor Sadness, Set Boundaries with Loneliness, and What to Do When You Don't Have Time for this Work

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